


1. Start by identifying your three most important strengths. In the context of your target job title. Write a sentence about these three unique abilities and strengths:

2. Add a sentence that connects your strength with an important opportunity in your industry. What benefit or value do you bring to an organization? Which challenge or pain point do you relieve?

3. Now, in one sentence, communicate your aspirations for your future. What exactly do you want to do? 

4. Finally, support all of this with your accomplishments; include the results you’ve produced. Share a statement or two about what makes you the best at what you do

5. Put it all together: Write your Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results, or SOAR*, statement by putting together the previous four sentences. This will create a cohesive, dynamic and compelling statement that becomes the foundation of your visual and verbal brand:

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Personal branding will market your value in a clear, consistent, and attractive way and position you strategically within your industry. Each question in this worksheet will help you work toward the construction of your own four-part brand message. Examples are included. Start by identifying your three most important strengths. In the context 

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