

Theme Two:  Leadership style should fit the person, the organization, and the job.

It should be situational in nature.

You are the Package Distribution Manager for GDD.  It has come to your attention that five drivers in your region have serious errors in their delivery report logs.  The delivery report is key to controlling package flow and must be accurate.  If not, GDD will not be paid by their clients and would quickly lose their business to Fed Ex or UPS.  One of the drivers accounts for 60% of the errors.  She is a nice person, reliable but occasionally late to work because of conflicts with getting her kids to school on time. She is a single mother. A second driver accounts for 30% of the errors. This driver is new to the company and while his error numbers are high they have declined from last month.  The other driver’s errors hover around 10 to 15%.  

After taking the quizzes below and using the course readings to delve deeper into your leadership style, answer the following questions using the style that is indicated in the test results.

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EYS***749 2019-09-11 05:42:05
All I have to say is a big thank you for the solution.

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1 I will meet the drivers individually because the problematic areas of all of them are different. I will try and talk to the drivers individually listening to their personal point of view and what is abstaining them from being productive. Motivating the drivers and creating a sense of commitment in their minds will help not only them but will also help in 

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