

Question 1 After 1612 , the labor -intensive tobacco crop became Jamestown's economic savior. Who cultivated and harvested tobacco before 1680 ? 

a ) Mostly English and African indentured servants . 

b ) Exclusively enslaved Africans . 

c) Exclusively indentured English servants . 

d) Freeholders generally cared for small plots themselves .



Question 2 Which of the following statements is true about early New England settlers ? 

a ) They tended to be young , unmarried men . 

b ) They tended to arrive in families . 

c) They tended to arrive in families with servants . 

d) They tended to be married men with servants who cleared land and prepared a home for their families to join them later .


Question 3 Which statement best describes sixteenth century Spanish power in Florida ? 

a ) The Spanish conquered and held Florida with ease . 

b The Spanish initially met with a great deal of resistance from Native Americans , but Spanish conquistadors quickly overcame them . 

c ) The Spanish faced persistent challenges from Native Americans and European empires . 

d ) The Spanish followed the Portuguese model in West Africa , establishing trading posts along the coast , to avoid conflict with the powerful Apalachee Empire .



Question 4 What challenges did settlers at Jamestown face in 1607? 

a) Poor soil made agriculture difficult. 

b) Brackish, standing water encouraged disease. 

c) Most of the initial settlers lacked basic agricultural skills and were both unable and unprepared for the challenge they faced. 

d) All the above.


Question 5 Which statement best describes the sixteenth-century English economy? 

a) It was largely stable and growing with everyone generally prospering and looking optimistically towards the future. 

b) It was unstable and undergoing rapid changes with merchants gaining power and much of the population living in economic uncertainty. 

c) Urban and rural labor enjoyed higher wages and new bargaining power relative to the factory owners and landlords. 

d) Traditional aristocratic landholders gained economic power at the expense of merchants.



Question 6 In what ways did the 1715-17 Yamasee War mark a turning point in the history of colonial South Carolina ? 

a) The Yamasee's defeat and co-optation into the South Carolinian colony encouraged a growing deerskin trade through the 1730s . 

b) The devastation caused by the war demonstrated the limits and dangers of a reliance on trade in furs and enslaved Native Americans . It encouraged an economic shift towards coastal rice plantations and enslaved West African labor 

c) The war encouraged South Carolina elites to push Parliament to create the Georgia colony. 

d) Both a & c.


Question 7 The basic components of the Middle Passage included: 

a) Capture and transportation to coastal West Africa. 

b) Oceanic transportation from Africa to the Americas. 

c) Acculturation or "seasoning" on the American coast, sale, and transport to plantation. 

d) All the above.



Question 8 In what ways was King Philip's War a watershed event in the history of New England? 

a) Metacom's uprising was the most successful war against the English that Indians had launched in the history of the region. 

b) The indigenous population of New England dropped from 25 percent in 1670 to 10 percent in 1680. 

c) Both a & b. 

d) Just b.


Question 9 The Walking Purchase in 1737 demonstrated : 

a ) the special relationship the Penn family had with the Delaware Indians . 

b ) colonial hunger for land and willingness to manipulate the spirit , if not the letter , of treaties . 

c ) the significance of waterways in colonial commerce . 

d ) the declining power of the Dutch West India Company in North America .


Question 10 Social and political turmoil in seventeenth century England led to a major shift in colonial policy toward the North American colonies best seen in the: 

a) Navigation Acts. 

b) execution of Charles I. 

c) Glorious Revolution of 1688. 

d) establishment of the English Bill of Rights.



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Question 1 - 

Answer - a ) Mostly English and African indentured servants . 

Question 2 - 

Answer - b) They tended to arrive in families . 

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