

MT219 Unit 3 Assignment

Assignment: The External Marketing Environment in the Global Marketplace Before you start this Assignment, make sure you have reviewed the SWOT tutorial located in the Learning Activity area. In your Discussion you addressed entering the U.S. market from abroad. Now in this Assignment, you will take a look at the global marketplace in which, thanks to the Internet, even small companies can participate. The external marketing environment is full of opportunities and threats that can have a profound effect on the success or failure of a company, a brand, or a product in the global marketplace. Although the external marketing environment is largely uncontrollable, marketers must always be aware of the many forces that may impact the business. Marketers conduct due diligence for the business by scanning the environment for social, demographic, economic, technological, political, legal, and competitive opportunities or threats. In this Assignment, you will practice scanning the global marketing environment for opportunities or threats to an organization. 

VIDEO LINK http://extmedia.kaplan.edu/business/Media/AB219/UDT/Unit_3/index.html PRICE IS SET TO FINAL PRICE

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When corporate and organizations starts activities indulging frauds, it causes potentially devastating effects in the long term over the business. The issues involving ethical codes should be handled with care and at most importance. Every measure should be taken to prevent such events from happening rather than defending the wrongs and 

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