The Task
1. During the semester there is a flipped classroom activity in the lecture, that can usually also be completed as part of a forum discussion. These are formative in nature and are not graded.
2. In weeks 3, 4, & 5; and 8, 9 & 10, an IHRM forum question will also be set These are assumptive questions. You only have to submit one of these for each section of the topic.(See schedule Tables included in this document)
3. The tasks for these questions vary slightly, but usually require some form of short essay response (500-750 words).The questions are posted on the FLO website in the PORTFOLIO FORUM sections.
4. Usually you will be asked to use appropriate theory- which means theory covered in the lecture, tutorials, textbook or extension readings, to support your answer.
5. Full academic referencing is required.
Please see the attachment given below :-
The Task1. During the semester there is a flipped classroom activity in the lecture, that can usually also be completed as part of a forum discussion. These are formative in nature and are not graded.2. In weeks 3, 4, & 5; and 8, 9 & 10, an IHRM forum...