Step 1 - ±technology/Application Identification - Complete the grid to identify the technologies used, their Function, and who is involved in their use or what process do they contribute to. (²eel Free to add rows.)±here are limited references in the Inter mountain Health case to their technology
Step 2 - Impact on Organization and Process - In the Inter mountain Health case, Focus on the changes to the business and to the organization to make the most of their data intelligence. Comment on you observations about the impact on the organization and/or process. Examples of organizational impact could be changes in normal job roles (dues, responsibilities, etc), changes in organization structure, or changes in management structure.Impact on process could include changing responsibilities of data collection, automating dues that were once completed by employees or customers, or changes in rules governing the process
Step 3 - Connecting to Strategy - Does the organization have a stated technology strategy regarding their data intelligence? Is their data approach documented in the business strategy phrases (mission statement or mo³o? IF it is stated,please restate in your own words. IF not explicitly expressed, what do you think the strategy is?Comments:
Step 1 - ±technology/Application Identification - Complete the grid to identify the technologies used, their Function, and who is involved in their use or what process do they contribute to. (²eel Free to add rows.)±here are limited references in the Inter mountain Health case to their technology...