

1: How does the Keynesian transmission mechanism purportedly work?


2: How does the Monetarist transmission mechanism purportedly work?


3: What is the difference between the Short Run Aggregate Supply function and the Long Run Aggregate Supply function and why is this distinction important?


4 Is it possible for monetary policy to impact the Long Run Aggregate Supply function? What is your reasoning?


5 What does the theory of “Rational Expectations” indicate regarding monetary policy?


6 Explainthe Rational Expectations theory.


7 What is the “Liquidity Preference Theory” and why is it important to monetary policy considerations?


8 Explain how expansionary fiscal policy affects the Keynesian Cross model.  You may want to scan you diagrams to respond.


9 How does unexpected inflation impact transaction costs?


10 Describe the basic theory regarding Money Demand from a Keynesian perspective.


Bonus Question:  OPTIONAL (3 points each)


Bonus 1:  Use a theory from this course to explain the Great Depression.



Bonus 2:  Use a theory from this course to explain the 2008 financial crisis.



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