

Bus 7 Online

Extra Credit Opportunity

Go to a financial website, such as www.finance.yahoo.com and search for a company of interest to you.Find the links to the company’s Income Statement and Balance Sheets. On the Yahoo, scroll down and look for “FINANCIALS” on the left.Answer the following questions:


1. What is the net income/net loss for the latest full year (Notice numbers are presented in“thousands”, which means you have to add 3 zeroes to the number on the financial statement.)? 

2. What is the gross profit percentage? Show the formula and your numbers. What does it mean?  

3. What is the amount of total Assets (Notice numbers are presented in “thousands”, which means you have to add 3 zeroes to the number on the financial statement.)?

4. What is the current ratio? Show the formula and your numbers. What does it mean?

5. What is the Accounts Receivable Turnover? Show the formula and your numbers. What does it mean?

6. What are the total liabilities for this company? (Notice numbers are presented in “thousands”,which means you have to add 3 zeroes to the number on the financial statement.)


See pages 450 and 451 (pictures attached 450-451.png for formula) in your textbook for the formulas.  

You can earn up to 20 extra credit points for this assignment.  



450-451.png Financial Statement Assignment(1).pdf
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