

You are preparing to make a presentation to the CEO of the organization next week on a product development strategy.

Your goal is to complete the following tasks in a 3–5 page paper:

1. Describe your new service. Your new service concept must have all the main characteristics of a service which

include intangibility, non standardization, and inseparability. Include the experience attributes of your product.

What role has technology played in your service.

2. How will you measure your quality of service?

3. What barriers might you run into in globalizing your service? Provide specific examples.

4. In terms of the marketing mix, what specific marketing strategies will you use to distribute, price and promote

this service?

5. You will provide a 3–5 page (APA formatted) paper with at least three supporting references. You should

include at least one illustration which can be included in the body of your paper or appendix. 

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