1.Imagine that a clothing company locates their manufacturing facilities in rural China.This company employs children and adults, but mainly children who are 15 years old or younger.
2.Imagine the children are grateful for the job as they are able to support their family financially and this is the only income their family has outside of farming, which does not provide much.
B. Address the following:
1.Identify the pros and cons of hiring child labor.
2.Assess whether you would make the choice to employ child labor.
3.Explain why you think child labor should or should not be utilized in countries with poor economic conditions.
C. Essay Requirements:
1.Write three pages in response to all of the items in section B.
2.Include a minimum of 3 authoritative references to support your paper.
3.Use APA Style # 6 (6th edition) as the Style Sheet.
4.Feel free to discuss your ideas as part of your discussions with classmates.
1.Imagine that a clothing company locates their manufacturing facilities in rural China.This company employs children and adults, but mainly children who are 15 years old or younger.2.Imagine the children are grateful for the job as they are able to support their family financially and thi...