Exercise 1 – Health and well being at work
What is a healthy workplace? List two benefits of a healthy worker.
Provide an example of a health and wellness initiative at work.
Exercise 2 – Work Health and Safety Regulation (South Australia)
Follow the link given below for Work Health and Safety Act 2012 of South Australia; identify the powers of Health and Safety Representatives in the Act.
Exercise 3 – Consultation:
Visit the website of Safe Work SA and select the code of practice ‘Work health safety consultation, cooperation and coordination’ then consider:
when is consultation required with workers? What is effective consultation?
provide two examples of how consultation can occur
Exercise 4 – Conducting safety visits
Read the article ‘Management walk-around: Lessons from Gulf of Mexico Oil Well Blowout’ by Andrew Hopkins (article is a PDF on FLO). After reading the article answer the following question:
what are some key learning for managers who conduct safety visits?
Exercise–Psycho social hazards
Identify four psycho social workplace hazards. Using the example of a retail environment, prepare a risk matrix according to impact and likelihood of each hazard. Please provide at least one reason when categorizing a hazard as high or low risk.
Exercise 6 – Bench marking industry data
Visit the website of Safe Work Australia and consider:
How is the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LITER) measured?
How can employers use information about LITER to benchmark their WHS performance?
What are the best and worst performing industries in terms of LITER? Why?
Exercise 7 – Rehabilitation and return to work
Visit the Work Cover website and look at their guidelines on Rehabilitation and Return to Work, then consider:
what are the roles and responsibilities of Rehabilitation and Return to Work Coordinators? What kind of training do these coordinators need to be effective in their roles?
Exercise 8 – Principles of safe design
Visit the following website and look at Safe work Australia’s Guidance on the Principles of Safe Design, then:
think of an example from your own workplace, college, or home of a product or aspect of building construction that exhibits some risk. Referring to the principles of safe design, describe how this risk might have been introduced and how it might be eliminated.
Exercise 1 – Health and well being at workDiscussion: What is a healthy workplace? List two benefits of a healthy worker. Provide an example of a health and wellness initiative at work. Exercise 2 – Work Health and Safety Regulation (South Austr...