As mentioned in the previous weeks, an important step in any activity is the reflection that takes place at the end of it. This is because it allows those involved in the activity the time to analyze whether or not their efforts were successful or not. For this reason, in this final week of CARD405, you are going to be given the opportunity to reflect upon the work you have submitted this session.
For this assignment, you need to download and complete the Week 8 Self-Evaluation Template available here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Don't forget to submit your assignment.
The grading rubric is below.
Self-Evaluation Assignment Points
Part 1: Explore Reflection The Explore section was fully completed and a minimum of three to four sentences were used to address the questions. 15
Part 2: Develop Part 1 Reflection The Develop Part 1 section was fully completed and a minimum of three to four sentences were used to address the questions. 20
Part 3: Develop Part 2 Reflection The Develop Part 2 section was fully completed and a minimum of three to four sentences were used to address the questions. 20
Part 4: Launch Reflection The Launch section was fully completed. 15
Total 70
As mentioned in the previous weeks, an important step in any activity is the reflection that takes place at the end of it. This is because it allows those involved in the activity the time to analyze whether or not their efforts were successful or not. For this reason, in this final week of CARD4...