

Case Study 1 Questions

1. What are the advantages of each of Darren's four supply chains?

2. What are the complications of having four supply chains?

3. How do Darren's four supply chains compare to those of other firms, such as Dell or an automobile manufacturer? Why do the differences exist, and how are they addressed?

Case Study 2 Questions

1. What other techniques might Regal use to improve supply chain management?

2. What kind of response might members of the supply chain expect from Regal because they’re partnering in the supply chain?

3. Why is supply chain management important to Regal?

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EYS***772 2019-09-23 12:01:07
Scored full marks. Thanks for sharing.

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  1. First is "smallware", an eatery industry term for things, for example, materials, dishes, flatware and kitchenware, and flatware.

Second is solidified, dry, and canned sustenance item which is dealt with by Darden's 11 distribution centres in North America, and is overseen by major U.S. nourishment 

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