

1. Why did you end up doing this work? What kind of person often does this sort of work? (And would you consider yourself typical?)

2. What do you like about this work?

3. What is difficult about this work?

4. How do [customers, others in the company, etc.] treat you? What do they think about the job you do? [Adapt this question to fit your particular interview—try to get at how the person thinks he or she is treated based on his or her work.]

5. How does being a [fill in the blank with a salient cultural category: man, older person, African-American, 20-something, etc.] play into the work you do?

6. Has this work changed the way you think about yourself and about the world?

7. What are some cultural values that are important to you? [It can be family, work, or interpersonal.] Do you think these are similar to or different from mainstream American culture? Please explain your ideas.

8. What do you like best about American culture? What do you like least? [Even if the person is American, he or she will have an opinion about this question that gives you some insight about how he or she views things from his or her perspective.]


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EYS***749 2019-09-18 07:55:08
Solution addressed each point and requirement.

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It all started with my love for the nature. Like, I would always look for different scenes in nature that are so beautiful that I always wanted to capture them and keep them with me for lifetime. So, when I started exploring my options photography seems best option to me. 

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